Welcome to the second annual CTF@CIT!


  • CTF will run through April 25th-27st, 2025
  • BEGINS: April 25th @ 5PM EST
  • ENDS: April 27th @ 3PM EST

We'll be hosting a virtual award ceremony on April 27th at around 3:30PM EST. We encourage everyone who participated in the CTF to drop in and thank our sponsors and of course see who the winners are!

CTF@CIT will cover categories such as forensics, OSINT, reverse, crypto, misc, and much more! We intend on rolling more challenges out throughout the weekend to keep everyone on their toes.

Please join our Discord to stay updated with CTF announcements!

We are hosting an in-person networking event! If you are a UNH or local team looking to come by in-person on the 26th to eat free food, pick up some free swag, win in-person prizes, and work on the CTF with your team, please have one member of your group fill out this form so we can gather a headcount.